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Team Products Tire Adhesive

TPP Tire Adhesive and Super Glue

Mark Fulton |

I attempt to always bring the best products for your RC needs, and I now have what I consider the best tire glue for rubber tires to plastic rimmed wheels in the business. The viscosity is selected specifically for fast penetration without making a big mess.

I purchase direct and have bottled at one of the largest cyanoacrylate ethyl manufactures in the USA.  I purchase frequent, small batches and keep my stock refrigerated for best life until you buy it! This is not a relabel of another brand but a purchase direct from the manufacturer. This is a full 1 ounce size, not the half filled bottles other brands sell at the same price. 

The bottle caps are the 'pin' design; when the cap is replaced, a pin inside the cap top closes the bottle tip tightly, keeping the glue fresh for a long time and the bottle neck clear. Tip: Store the glue in the refrigerator until needed and then warm up to room temp before use, keeps the glue fresher for a longer time.

Comes with small, long neck tube attachment ('pollywog extender tip') to place this 'super glue' exactly where you want it. Tip: If you use a pin to clean the glue out of the attachment after you are done, this long necked tube applicator will last a long time. I do keep plenty of the long neck attachments in stock if you want more.


Click HERE to purchase!

You can find the data sheet here: CLICK

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