When assisting others with reasons their cars seem slow, these are the top things I see which pop up many times as the main reason for the performance issue.
Keep your battery/motor connectors in perfect condition, whether they are plugs or bullet connectors. Replace them often.
Make sure you have 'bright' looking solder connections. A bright solder connection indicates proper heat was applied and 'flowed' throughout the attachment point, making a low resistance connection.
At plug type connections, make sure they are inserted to the full depth to make sure of a good continuity, especially the sensor cable from ESC to motor.
In addition to the battery/ESC connections, look at the sensor cable between the motor and ESC. Replace it often, have spares in your tool box.
Do not let wires 'flop' around. This will cause intermittent issues, which are hard to find. Secure the wires with tie-wraps to the chassis. The cable between the receiver and the ESC is especially critical, will cause a host of problems.
Have a great race season!